The coyote comes to buy the coffee late in the morning; the pitch is always the same, "you better sell now because the price is just going to keep going down... Sure you might get a better price in town, but you do not have a truck to move all this coffee into town do you? I know that you grow good coffee and that it is clean and you do not use chemicals, but my hands are tied, I can only pay you $0.45 per pound for this coffee."
The growers always have the same delima, do I sell now or wait for till I need more money? Sometimes the price goes up later in the year and sometimes it goes down. "My coffee is always excellent," the grower responds, "I suppose that I could see if the other coyote has a better price than you, I don't really need the money today..."
"Oh come now my dear friend," responds the coyote, "we have been partners for many years and I have the cash right here in my pocket, those other buyers will never be as fair and resonable as I am. Let me help you with a some money now."
The banter goes on for several minutes and the outcome is almost always the same, the grower sells his coffee for less than it is worth because he has no other viable options.
The little coyotes will sell the coffee to the big coyotes, plus their commission. They call it a commission but it is really another way that the grower is exploited. Who knows how much the big coyotes are paying for a kilo, $0.50, $1.o0 or even $2.00... (Cafe Justo pays the growers $2.66 a kilo,) And who knows how much the big coyotes sell coffee to the international coffee brokers and companies for...
But what other choice is there? Money is needed, the roof leaks and the rains are coming, school supplies can not wait and then there are the medicines and light bill, buying more coffee plants and the birthday upcoming… what other choice is there now?
But what other choice is there? Money is needed, the roof leaks and the rains are coming, school supplies can not wait and then there are the medicines and light bill, buying more coffee plants and the birthday upcoming… what other choice is there now?
Not many, but with the next Cafe Justo cooperative starting in El Aguila, Adan will have another much more viable option for his coffee for the upcoming crop in November of 2007.
Keep checking this blog for updates and the latest... t3